Friday, December 20, 2013

La Calera - Drinking & Eating On Top of a Mountain

Going out to eat in Colombia is not only about the food. It also includes a unique cultural experience. Because of this, some of the best places to experience Colombia combine great food with a fun atmosphere. Whether you start with a dinner that transforms into an all­-night party or have breakfast with a view of the city, Bogota has a variety of dining experiences that are perfect for every type of traveler.

Try a one of these while you are there.
Brunch in La Calera 

For those who want to try Colombian coffee over brunch, the best places to go are the roadside restaurants on the way to La Calera. La Calera is a town in the mountains 15 minutes outside of Bogota, but locals go there for afternoon drives to see the amazing views of the city over a hot breakfast or lunch. There you will see couples or families enjoying a typical sunny day in Bogota while getting a quick bite to eat on the way to their next destination.

Along the road to La Calera, expect to find several places to get a traditional Colombian breakfast that includes huevos pericos (Colombian scrambled eggs), bread, juice, coffee or hot chocolate. Meanwhile, street food is perfect for an afternoon snack such as mazorca (grilled corn on the cobb) and empanadas. If it is a cold day, warm up with a canelazo. This hot and alcoholic drink is a mix of aguardiente, aguapanela, and cinnamon. Any of these meals are a great way to take in the views during a relaxing weekend.

This is your view while brunching in La Calera.

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