Friday, September 25, 2015

4 Reasons Not to Live in Colombia

Hey, I lived in Colombia for 6 years. I liked it at first, but now I don't so I moved. Its great to visit on a shor-term basis, but these are the reasons I left and why noone should live there long-term

1. The Traffic Sucks: It took me 1.5 hours to commute to work back and forth, which would only take 20 minutes to drive through without traffic. Most people can't afford a car, so like me you will end up stuck on a bus crammed in with other people who are rude. There is no regard for safety and if you aren't robbed, you'll be lucky if you don't fall out of it while moving.

2. The Food Sucks: Don't read blogs that say the food is amazing because the are obviously liars. It's one thing to taste local cuisine on vacation, but actually eating the same empanadas and chicken with rice for years is no fun. The local menu is limited and if you live and work among Colombians you'll be forced to eat the same food because no one else can afford to go to the "fancy" restaurants with you to eat sushi.

3. The People Suck: If you read a blog about how the people in Bogota are friendly, this is a lie. They may be nice to you at first because your a tourist and only meet people at tourist attraction. These people are nice because they want your money. If you get a chance to actually work and deal with Colombians on a day-today basis, you'll see the bad side of their personality. Colombians are known for being cheap, rude, aggressive, unfaithful, liars, manipulative, and everything you see from the bad guys on Narcos. This is not a personal opinion, even Colombians will talk about how much Colombians and their country sucks.

4. Crime Sucks: Yes, people get robbed. They get robbed all the time. Don't believe they hype that says "Colombia has changed. It's not dangerous anymore." Colombia has a lot of petty crime and crime has actually increased over the last year because of inflation and internal refugees.