Monday, March 4, 2013

How to Rent an Apartment In Bogota

If you come from the U.S., finding an apartment in Colombia for sale or for rent is not as easy. The reason for this is because in the U.S. the process is organized, there are several websites, and little paperwork involved. In Colombia, there is only one good online rental directory that people recommend (, however it is not user-friendly and there are not many posts.

Typical interior design you will see in Bogota apartments.
The number 1 way to find an apartment in Bogota for rent is an old-school method that actually works better than any website. This method is the walk-around-the-block-and-write-down-the–number-on-the apartment-window. At first it may seem that this method is inefficient and outdated, however looking online at outdated pictures and inaccurate information is even more a waste of time.
The benefits to the Colombian method are that you easily narrow down your selection while having a nice stroll in your favorite neighborhood. For example you know you want to live in Chapinero Alto, so take a walk one Saturday afternoon while scoping out apartments that you think look nice. Have a chat with the doorman for more information like prices, square footage, and availability. Then make a quick call to the number in the window to make an appointment. If you are lucky, the seller will be inside and you can hop up to see the apartment. Usually, they are on call because of the need to sell the apartment.