Thursday, February 20, 2014

Graffiti in Bogota: Colombian Street Art

Street art and graffiti in Colombia is very popular. We have been able to attract a lot of international attention and even visiting street artis have painted here because of that. The best place to see graffiti in Colombia is in Bogota, Medellin, and Cali. The urban infrastructure provides a lot of places artist can paint. Also, in some places it is even legal.

A guide to street art in Colombia can be found in the urban lifestyle magazine named Cartel Urbano. Here you can see a varied oa photo galleries and articles aboput street art in Bogota. For example, read this article about a local graffiti artist:


1 comment:

  1. Hey, I just read your whole blog! I'm moving to Bogotá in a month, I got a job there just yesterday and my mind is racing trying to settle with the idea of living in Colombia, although I believe my cultural contrasts won't be as big as yours - I'm from Brazil, south american thru and thru - I guess the year-round chilly weather will get to me. I'm used to hot and hoter, so I'm afraid I might feel depressed being in such a grey enviroment, but I'm also super excited.
